
Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials from previous painting & decorating contracts

Wall papering and painting to lounge, games room, bedroom

Top class, excellent work, transformed our house. Clean and tidy, always on time.

Customer in Bognor Regis, 13 February 2015
Painted exterior walls of house

They did an excellent job, to the quoted price at the promised time. Even the weather was good. My wife and I would certainly recommend Ashling Decorators and I'm sure we will call on their services in future.

Customer in Chichester, 4 May 2011
External redecs at my Selsey bungalow

I have used Ashling Decorators before and cannot fault their service. I am a very fussy customer with exact requirements and they were excellent in all the four scoring boxes shown here in Checkatrade; but I would go further and state that Ashling more than fulfill every requirement.

Customer in Chichester, 2 September 2010
Redecorating bedroom

A high level of skill and knowledge.
Excellent service.

Customer in Chichester, 17 September 2009
Re-decoration to the master bedroom and office

What can I say - I've had the experts, and it doesn't get any better!

Customer in Bognor Regis, 5 June 2008
Re-decorated bathroom and interior design advice

Steve's help with design was very useful and work is second to none. I will be using his services in the very near future. I would recommend them.

Customer in Bognor Regis, 2 May 2008
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